Your Voice

Scripture Reading - Deuteronomy 5:28 KJV

And the LORD heard the voice of your words, when ye spake unto me; and the LORD said unto me, I have heard the voice of the words of this people, which they have spoken unto thee: they have well said all that they have spoken.

We (ihlcc) are still excited to share even more with you on the subject of hearing “the voice” of words. In a prior lesson we spoke about recognizing “A Shift” in the tone and/or rate of words coming from the speaker to discern exactly when God is speaking. God’s Words are liberating and all-powerful to do you good as opposed to just listening to the words of men which are often idle or unproductive. In our last lesson we highlighted “The Voice” of God which is the voice of God’s Word. Since we know that His Voice is upholding all things by the Word of His Power it is critical that we hearken (listen and obey) unto God’s Voice. Today’s topic ties right into the previous two lessons by mentioning “Your Voice”. We noticed in today’s reference scripture that God heard “the voice of the people” so we have two important things to discuss in this article. The first is, “If God is listening to your conversations with others (and He Is) what is He learning about you?” Yes, this is a sobering thought to know our Holy Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ are listening to every word we speak but we must look a little deeper than that. The Good Lord Jesus and our Holy Heavenly Father never just listens to people for the purpose of spreading gossip as many men (and women) do. No, God listens to learn! Yes, the Gracious God of the Universe listens to our words to understand us better and He listens intently to hear if “your voice” matches “His Voice” because then He knows you are expecting something from Him. Remember, God is no respecter of persons so just being a child of God won’t guarantee instant success. What creates success is when we decide to use the same words God speaks that are creative words for success. Yes, “your voice” should be an exact match with God’s Word in all things pertaining unto life and godliness. This means when we speak God’s Word with a Godly heart we truly become one with Him. We once heard a minister say, “When we speak God’s Word with our own mouth it is as if God Himself is speaking”. This statement is true for those sincere and honest children of God because if we are truly following the leading of God’s Holy Spirit we will be inspired to speak as God to overcome all problems in our life. Yes, the Good Lord is listening to us and learning about us based upon our words and we must recognize that any idle non-productive words we speak are clouding our picture in God’s sight. When our words are out-of-line with God’s Holy Pure Words we are not glorifying God but rather exalting our own will or worst yet the will of the enemy. Another reason (the second thing) about “your voice” which is just as important as God learning who you are is “your voice” is your authority in this earth. Yes, we (ihlcc) said that correctly but it begs for repetition so we will say it again. Your Voice is your authority in this earth. Of course nothing is as powerful as the Awesome Name of Jesus but His Name was meant to be used by all His Children. Remember, Mark 16:17-18 KJV which states, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” We notice in verse 17 that a semicolon (;) was used to separate – these sign shall follow them that believe and In my name. However, on purpose we (ihlcc) do believe no separation is needed because the signs (signature) of God follow the Name of God. Hence, we preach and teach that the Power of God is made manifest in those who believe in the Name of Jesus and use His Name to stand against the works of the wicked one. Just like the Name of Jesus carries with it God’s Supreme authority we can execute that awesome power when we speak forth His Holy Mighty Name. Yes, you must speak it out as a weapon of choice (not by accident or testing a new tool), it must come from “your voice” and your voice must carry with it the confidence that this battle is already won through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. We overcome by The Blood of the Lamb according to Revelation 12:11. Remember we have God’s Word on the subject so we know we have the victory (the promise of God) when combined with the Name of Jesus. For if we believe those things we say with our mouth shall come to pass we shall have whatever we say. “Your Voice” is the architect of your world. You are either building a Godly Kingdom by using the Word of God to frame your world after His Word frames your tongue or you are building the kingdom of darkness to your own hurt and the fall of many others. There is no middle ground in this war because it most definitely is The War of Words which makes all these encounters voice activated. If we are not working with Him (Our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus) than we are working against Him by establishing our own will (our own words) instead of His Good and Holy Will. “Your Voice” is the key to setting the captives free and “your voice” is the first step in exercising the authority of God’s Word in your life. We have an obligation in this world to represent Jesus Christ as the Only Light of the world, so we must proclaim His Name and be ready to speak forth God’s Will when we know His Truth in our heart. Yes, The Voice of God should be heard in “your voice” just as much as our needs and desire are mentioned in Jesus’s Voice. God has a voice when it comes to lack, sickness, disease, fear and frustration His Voice is always to speak good on our behalf so how much more should we speak good on our behalf also. Yes, we must use “our voice” to proclaim the good news of God’s Promises to others and also ourselves because we too need to hear God’s Word coming from our own mouth. (Remember faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.) If you aren’t feeling well then use the Name of Jesus to establish God’s Healing via (by way of) “your voice”. If you are weak then let the weak say, “I am strong” with “their own voice”. If lack is speaking from your purse or wallet, then say with “your voice of authority”, “I am rich and My God supplies all my needs according to His Riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.” The key is knowing that “your voice” must be heard to exercise authority upon the earth so lift up your voice to decree your future and overcome all negative circumstances you face in this life. Remember God is listening to learn of you and how much better is it for Him to hear you using the Name of His Holy Righteous Son Jesus to gain victory upon this earth just like He intended it to be. Amen!